Mallo Bits

Pronunciation - Practicing using Phonics! (so many vowels)

Written by Min Sung Kim | Sep 4, 2023 7:06:40 AM

Now that we know the basics of phonics, and how to read Korean with batchim, let's move onto how we can read characters with multiple vowels.

You might have seen words like '영화 (movie)' or '과일 (fruit)'.

We know what the vowels '' and '' sound like, but how do we pronounce vowels when they are together, like this ''?

ㅘ (ㅗ + ㅏ)


ㅙ (ㅗ + ㅐ)


ㅞ (ㅜ + ㅔ)


ㅟ (ㅜ + ㅣ)


ㅢ (ㅡ + ㅣ)


Let's try reading some 

과일 (fruit)

  • 과 = ㄱ + ㅗ + ㅏ
  • 일 = ㅇ + ㅣ + ㄹ


왜? (why?)

  • 왜 = ㅇ + ㅗ + ㅐ


뒤 (back/behind)

  • 뒤 = ㄷ + ㅜ +ㅣ



Watch out when you see this 'ㅗ + ㅣ = ㅚ'

You would think that it would be pronounced: o + i = oi

But it is actually pronounced the same as and !