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Pronunciation - Practicing using Phonics!

15-min Lesson Goals

In this bit to learn how to read Korean (Hangul) quickly, you will...

  • Learn an exercise to learn on how to read Hangul quickly!

A Bit of a Lesson

If you've been keeping up with our Mallo Bits, you should now be familiar with the sounds of each consonant and verb! But what does it sound like when we put them together to form REAL characters?


Let's learn an exercise that will get you reading Hangul in just 15 minutes with this simple exercise!

The phonics method is sounding out each of the letters in a character.

For example:

  • 네 is made up to the consonant ㄴ ('n' sound) and the vowel ㅔ ('eh' sound).
  • First, we sound out each and
  • Then, we combine the sounds together to make the character:

네 = ㄴ + ㅔ



아 = ㅇ + ㅏ


니 = ㄴ + ㅣ


요 = ㅇ + ㅛ




= ㄱ + ㅗ


= ㅁ + ㅏ


= ㅇ + ㅜ + ㅓ 


Keep practicing with different characters! Because the Korean alphabet is all based on sounds and phonetics, you should be able to read Hangul in no time with this exercise!

In the next Bit, we will go through how to read 받침 (batchim)!

Knowledge Check!

What sound does this character make: 하

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