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Why is spacing (띄어쓰기) important in Korean?

15-min Lesson Goals

Knowing how to space words correctly is important in every language, but it is more important in Korean! This is because incorrect spacing can actually change the meaning of words completely!

Let's learn why spacing or 띄어쓰기 is so important in Korean!

A Bit of a Lesson

First of all, what even is 띄어쓰기?

띄어 means 'apart'. And 쓰다 means 'to write'.

So, 띄어쓰기 refers to the correct spacing between words!


Let's take a look at these 2 sentences:

1) 바래다 줄게 = Let me see you off

2) 바래? 다 줄게 = You want it? I'll give you everything

The words that are used are identical on the surface but the different spacing of these words change the meaning of them completely!

바래다 주다 = to see someone off (accompany someone to their destination)

바래? (You want it?) 다 줄게 (I'll give you everything)


See? You could be flirting with someone without even knowing it!


Need more convincing? Here is another example:

1) 고양이가 죽을까 봐 = Because the cat might die

2) 고양이 가죽을 까봐 = Hey, skin that cat

In the first sentence, you are worrying about the cat that might die.

However, in the second sentence, you come off as a psycho that is asking for the cat to be skinned!

Don't be the guy in the second sentence - worry about the cat!


Knowledge Check!

Which of these is the correct spacing to mean: I love you. I miss you.

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