Mallo Bits

Subject Particle: 는/은

Written by Beomjin Heo | May 22, 2023 9:13:21 AM

Watch the video above to understand how to use 는 (neun) and 은 (eun).

When it comes to usage, you can think of the English phrase as for

오늘 바빠요. (오늘=today;바빠요=busy)
As for today, I'm busy.

는/은 can be used to show contrast:

오늘 바쁜데, 내일 안 바빠요. (내일=tomorrow;안 바빠요=not busy) 
I am busy today, but I'm not busy tomorrow. 

는/은 is used more for answers.

Q: 이름 뭐에요? (What is your name?)
A: 제 이름 말로입니다. (My name is Mallo)

For a more detailed explanation as to when you can use this particle, check out this article from Tammy Korean!