Mallo Bits

Subject Particle: 이/가

Written by Beomjin Heo | Jun 4, 2023 8:00:00 AM

Simply put, 이 and 가 are used to identify the subject of a sentence. One situation where this participle is used is with adjectives: 

Subject Participle
Adjective Sentence
(Polite Form)
머리 (head) 아프다
머리가 아파요.
My head aches.
지도 (map) 있다
지도가 있어요.
I have a map (A map exists)

Looking at the two examples above, the participle "가" identifies the subject. In this case, is is the "head" that hurts, and it is a "map" that the speaker has. 

When used with a verb, it emphasizes the fact that the subject was the doer of the action (e.g. It was <subject> that <action>):

Subject Participle
Verb Sentence
(Polite Form)
(me) 주다
(to give)
내가 줬어.
I'm the one that gave it.
강아지 (dog) 짖다
강아지가 짖어요.
The dog is barking.

내가 줬어 is directly translated to "I gave", but it emphasizes the fact that it was "I", or the speaker that performed the action. Think of answering the question "Who gave it?". 

이 and 가 have the same function, but we use:

  • when the word before (object) ends in a consonant.
  • when the word before (object) ends in a vowel
Object / Target Participle
이 책이 좋아요.
휴지 휴지가 필요해요.
티비 (TV) TV가 TV가 없어요.

To summarize, 이/가 are particles that identify the subject of a sentence. Most times, it gives an extra emphasis on the subject. Unlike 은/는, another subject particle, it is used more for questions and does not create a sense of comparison.