Mallo Bits

Object Particle: 을/를

Written by Beomjin Heo | Jun 11, 2023 7:35:00 AM

and are used to identify the object of a sentence

It is attached to the end of a noun (which would be the object of the sentence). Let's take a look at some examples: 

Object Participle
Verb Sentence
(Polite Form)
(to eat)
아침을 먹어요.
(I eat breakfast)
(to read)
지도를 읽어요.
I read a map.

Looking at the two examples above, 아침 (breakfast) and 지도 (map) are the objects of the sentences. What did the speaker eat? Breakfast. What did the speaker read? A map. 

and have the same function, but we use:

  • when the word before (object) ends in a consonant.
  • when the word before (object) ends in a vowel
Object / Target Participle
책 (book) 읽다
(to read)
책을 읽어요.
휴지 (tissue) 버리다
(to throw away)
휴지를 버려요.
티비 (TV) 켜다
(to turn on)
TV를 켜요.

Compared to other particles such as 이/가 and 은/는, 을/를 is rather straightforward. Additionally, its rules are very similar to English, where we attach it to the object of the sentence.