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Object Particle: 을/를

15-min Lesson Goals

  1. Understand the function of and
  2. Know when to use each of them
  3. Familiarize yourself with when this participle is used

A Bit of a Lesson

and are used to identify the object of a sentence

It is attached to the end of a noun (which would be the object of the sentence). Let's take a look at some examples: 

Object Participle
Verb Sentence
(Polite Form)
(to eat)
아침을 먹어요.
(I eat breakfast)
(to read)
지도를 읽어요.
I read a map.

Looking at the two examples above, 아침 (breakfast) and 지도 (map) are the objects of the sentences. What did the speaker eat? Breakfast. What did the speaker read? A map. 

and have the same function, but we use:

  • when the word before (object) ends in a consonant.
  • when the word before (object) ends in a vowel
Object / Target Participle
책 (book) 읽다
(to read)
책을 읽어요.
휴지 (tissue) 버리다
(to throw away)
휴지를 버려요.
티비 (TV) 켜다
(to turn on)
TV를 켜요.

Compared to other particles such as 이/가 and 은/는, 을/를 is rather straightforward. Additionally, its rules are very similar to English, where we attach it to the object of the sentence. 

Knowledge Check!

나는 너를 존경해. What is the object of this sentence?

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