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Pronunciation - ㄲ ㄸ ㅃ ㅆ ㅉ

15-min Lesson Goals

You've now learned all the single consonants in Hangul. There are double consonants for certain characters, that have a stronger sound! Watch the video lesson, and listen carefully to the recordings to distinguish the differences between the standard and double consonants (쌍자음)

A Bit of a Lesson


Do you remember all the consonant sounds? Here are the double '쌍' consonants '자음'


Called: 쌍기역 (ssang-gi-yuk)

Sound: gg

Called: 쌍디귿 (ssang-di-geut)

Sound: dd

Called: 쌍비읍 (ssang-bi-eub)

Sound: bb

Called: 쌍시옷 (ssang-si-ot)

Sound: ss

Called: 쌍지읒 (ssang-ji-eut)

Sound: jj


Knowledge Check!

what character is this sound 'ss'

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