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Pronunciation #1 - ㄱㄴㄷㄹㅁㅂㅅ (Consonants)

15-min Lesson Goals

By the end of these series, you will be able to read Hangul like a native! We will cover all the pronunciation rules (there are a lot of them!) to get you sounding like a native speaker.

We will start with the consonants!

A Bit of a Lesson

There are 14 consonants in the Korean Alphabet - Hangul. Today, we are going to cover the first 7.

In the English alphabet, the letter 'b' is called 'bee' and has the 'b' sound.

Each character in Hangul also has a name and distinct sound.


Called: 기역 (gi-yuk)

Sound: g

Called: 니은 (nee-eun)

Sound: n

Called: 디귿 (dee-geut)

Sound: d

Called: 리을 (lee-eul)

Sound: between 'r' and 'l'

Called: 미음 (mee-eum)

Sound: m

Called: 비읍 (bee-eub)

Sound: b

Called: 시옷 (see-ot)

Sound: between 'sh' and 's'


Knowledge Check!

What is this character called: ㄱ

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