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Numbers #1 - Zero to Ten

15-min Lesson Goals

'What's your phone number?' '010-1234-5678'

We encounter numbers just about everywhere in our daily lives, so it is essential that we know how to count them! So, are you ready to count? By the end of these lessons, you will be able to count in both of the Korean number systems.

A Bit of a Lesson

But wait - two number systems? That's right! While it may seem daunting, learning both systems is essential to mastering the language. Before Hangul was created, Korea used Chinese characters, the Sino-Korean number system is a remnant of that history. But don't worry, we've got you covered.

We'll take it one step at a time so you are not overwhelmed and can fit these bite-sized lessons into your busy life! Let's dive right into the first lesson and learn how to count from 0 - 10 in Sino-Korean!


Number Sino-Korean Romanisation
0 영 (공)
Yung (Gong)
1 il
2 ee
3 sam
4 sa
5 oh
6 yuk
7 chil
8 pal
9 gu
10 sib

Here is a recording of all the numbers from 0-10. Try reading along!


Knowledge Check!

Korean phone numbers begin with 'gong, il, gong'. What numbers are these?

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