Mallo Bits

How to tell someone to 'Be Careful!'

Written by Min Sung Kim | Oct 2, 2023 10:00:49 PM


  • 위험 = danger(ous)
  • 하다 = to do/be
  • 위험하다 = to be dangerous
  • 위험해! = it's dangerous!

If you see a dangerous situation and want to alert them. This is how to say 'Look out!' or 'Watch out!' or 'It's dangerous!' in Korean.


  • 조심 = careful
  • 하다 = to be/do
  • 조심하다 = to be careful

This is how to say 'Be careful!' in Korean. So if you see someone walking into a dangerous situation, warn them by saying: '조심해!'


Now you know how to warn someone in Korean, next time you see a dangerous situation alert people using these new phrases!