Mallo Bits

How to say 'so-so' in Korean

Written by Min Sung Kim | Sep 14, 2023 12:49:21 PM

You can say:

"그냥 그래"

Let's break it down!

  • 그냥 = just
    • ex1) 그냥 해 = just do it
    • ex2) 그냥 좋아/싫어 = I just like/dislike it
  • 그래 = okay, term of agreement or questioning
    • ex1) A: 우리 영화 보러 가자 / B: 그래
    • => A: Let's go watch a movie / B: Okay
    • ex2) A: 오늘 수업 취소 됐대! / B: 그래?
    • => A: Today's class is cancelled! / B: Really?
  • 그냥 그래 = so-so

Use it in any situation that you need to say: so-so - like the below!