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How to say 'so-so' in Korean

15-min Lesson Goals

What can you say when something is not too good, but also not too bad in Korean?

So, in other words, how can you say "meh", "it's so-so", or "I mean, it's alright" in Korean?

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A Bit of a Lesson

You can say:

"그냥 그래"

Let's break it down!

  • 그냥 = just
    • ex1) 그냥 해 = just do it
    • ex2) 그냥 좋아/싫어 = I just like/dislike it
  • 그래 = okay, term of agreement or questioning
    • ex1) A: 우리 영화 보러 가자 / B: 그래
    • => A: Let's go watch a movie / B: Okay
    • ex2) A: 오늘 수업 취소 됐대! / B: 그래?
    • => A: Today's class is cancelled! / B: Really?
  • 그냥 그래 = so-so

Use it in any situation that you need to say: so-so - like the below!


Knowledge Check!

How do you say: 'I just like it!'

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