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How to say 'Don't do that' in Korean

15-min Lesson Goals

How can you say 'Don't do that' in Korean? In those situations that you need to make someone stop doing something, say these key Korean phrases!

A Bit of a Lesson

1. 하지마

  • 하다 = to do
  • 말다 = to not do
  • 하지 + 마 = don't do that

To tell your friends to stop doing something, say: 하지마.

2. 하지 말라고 했다

  • 하지 말라고 = Don't do that (when telling someone a second time)
  • 했다 = did (past tense of 하다)
  • 하지 말라고 했다 = I told you, don't do that

In those situations when they just won't stop, and you have to tell them a second time, say: 하지 말라고 했다.

3. 아 쫌!

  • 아 = Ah (exclamation)
  • 쫌 = abbreviation of 조금

When they still don't listen, exclaim this as if to say 'Come on! (Listen to me)': 아 쫌 (하지 말라고)!

4. 적당히 해

  • 적당히 = moderately, enough, just right
  • 하다 = to do
  • 적당히 해 = hey, watch it.

This is more of a warning to let them know not to cross a line: 적당히 해라.


Knowledge Check!

When someone tells you 하지마, what is an appropriate response (to not escalate the situation)?

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