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Daily Vocab: At the Cafe

15-min Lesson Goals

A typical dinner with friends in Korea will likely start with a meal and drink at a restaurant and end at one of Korea's many cafes. Every road you walk down in Korea will most likely have at least one cafe on it! So, being able to navigate your way around a cafe is a must-have life skill in Korea. In this lesson, you will:

  1. Learn 10 different vocabularies to use in a cafe, and
  2. Practice an example dialogue.

A Bit of a Lesson

1. 커피 (kuh-pi)

Coffee. If coffee is your go-to drink, this is how you say it!

커피 한 잔 주세요.

Kuh-pi han jan ju-se-yo.

Please give me 1 cup of coffee.


2. 차 (cha)

Tea. For those days when you need to reduce your caffeine 😵

한 잔 주세요.

cha han jan ju-se-yo.

Please give me 1 cup of tea.


3. 주문 (ju-mun)

To order. Don't panic when the cashier asks you:

주문 하시겠어요?

ju-mun ha-shi-get-seo-yo?

Would you like to order?


4. ~ 잔 (~ jan)

Counter for cups.
Literally means 'cups', but used to count anything in cups too!

Remember to use the native numbers for counting numbers of objects!

따뜻한 아메리카노 한 잔이랑 아이스 아메리카노 한 잔 주세요.

dda-ddeut-han a-me-ri-ca-no han jan ee-rang ice a-me-ri-ca-no han jan ju-se-yo.

Can I get one warm americano and an ice americano, please.


5. 영수증 (young-su-jeung)

If you need to ask for the receipt, keep this word handy.

주세요 / 영수증은 괜찮습니다.

ju-se-yo / young-su-jeung-eun gwen-chan-seum-ni-da.

Please give me the receipt / I don't need the receipt.


6. 테이크아웃 (te-i-keu-a-ut)

The Barista will ask you if it's for here or to-go.

드시고 가세요? / 아니요, 테이크아웃 잔에 주세요.

Deu-si-go ga-se-yo? / A-ni-yo, te-i-keu-a-ut jan-eh ju-se-yo.

Will you eat here? / No, please give it to me in a plastic (takeout) cup.


7. 사이즈 (sa-i-jeu)

Just the English pronounced a different way! The Barista could also ask you:

크기 / 사이즈
는 어떻게 하시겠어요?

keu-gi / sa-i-jeu
-neun eo-ddeo-ke ha-si-get-seo-yo?

What size would you like?


8. 스몰 / 작은 (small / ja-geun)

Use either of these words to order a 'small' drink.

사이즈로 주세요 / 작은 걸로 주세요.

sa-i-jeu-ro ju-se-yo / ja-guen geol-lo ju-se-yo.

Please give me a small size / Please give me a small one.


9. 미디움 / 라지 (me-di-um / la-ji)

Medium and large.
Just say these English words with a Korean accent if you need a different size drink!

사이즈로 주세요 / 라지로 주세요.

sa-i-jeu-ro ju-se-yo / la-ji-ro ju-se-yo.

Please give me a medium size / Please give me a large one.


10. ~ 주세요 (~ ju-se-yo)

Please give me ~.
If you are still unsure how and when to use this vocab, check out this Bit on asking for something.

_____ 주세요.

_____ ju-se-yo.

Please give me _____.


Example Dialogue (try reading Your parts!):

Barista: 어서 오세요. 주문 하시겠어요?

You: 네, 카푸치노 한 잔 주세요.

Barista: 사이즈는 어떻게 드릴까요?

You: 스몰로 주세요.

Barista: 네. 3,000원 입니다. 드시고 가세요?

You: 아니요, 테이크아웃 잔에 주세요. 영수증 부탁 드립니다. 감사합니다.



Knowledge Check!

How would you order a large ice americano?

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